Being a part of NASA’s Artemis Program: Reflections August 20, 2020 by Andrea Lloyd The Artemis Program is NASA’s and humanity’s next huge space endeavor. As a part of the Artemis Generation, I wanted to learn everything I could about the Artemis...
The Amazing Radiation Secret of the Northern Lights August 12, 2020 by Andrea Lloyd Earth precariously resides between two invisible barriers. We all know that if the universe had placed our planet outside any of them, it would have rendered Earth inhabitable, subject...
Baseball Science: Some Math, Analytics, and… Emotion November 9, 2019 by Andrea Lloyd The Astros and Nationals duked it out in the World Series, posing some interesting challenges to those interested in baseball science, the players, and the emotion behind this...
New Dehli Smog: Nature’s New Gas Chamber November 8, 2019 by Andrea Lloyd Smoking cigarettes allows 7000 chemicals to be released into your lungs including nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, and lead. Those last five substances are shared...
Eureka! Creative Scientists Need Coffee Breaks November 4th, 2019 by Andrea Lloyd The click-clack of fingers tapping at the keyboard familiarly rings throughout the office, no matter what office you’re in. You neighbor pops his head over the cubicle wall: “Coffee?”...