Science Now

Here you can find the latest in science news, scientific discoveries. Written and explained with humorous twist, of course.

The Tiger Stripes on Enceladus Moon Finally Explained

The Tiger Stripes on Enceladus Moon Finally Explained

Saturn’s moon Enceladus has been keeping scientists on their toes for more than a decade. Presenting an under-crust ocean that erupts to the icy surface through tiger stripes fissures, Enceladus breeds with mysteries. Now, researchers found the answer to the stripes’ origin and formation. Of course, NASA plans next to find alien life on this icy rock.

The OSIRIS-REx Mission Explains Asteroid Bennu’s Odd Behavior

The OSIRIS-REx Mission Explains Asteroid Bennu’s Odd Behavior

Asteroid Bennu keeps scientists on their toes since the beginning of the OSIRIS-REx mission. Now, NASA specialists released new information on Bennu’s strange habit of rejecting particles from its surface. There are three possible candidates for the root of this surprising phenomenon, but we won’t know for sure until the spacecraft returns on Earth with samples.

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